
O Theatro e a Memória

Edition • 2016, Braga, Book
© Dinis Santos
© Dinis Santos
© Dinis Santos
© Dinis Santos
© Dinis Santos
© Dinis Santos
© Dinis Santos

O Theatro e a Memória

“The Theatro Circo de Braga journey began more than a hundred years ago, when others had already dreamed of it. With it, the journeys multiplied. This and other dreams between fiction and reality have expanded over it. His gentle stops served to unveil the clairvoyance of a journey, provoking it, continuing it.
But the important thing about this project is not the path that leads to the point of arrival, but rather to continue to define a path in which time strikes and in which the movement is distinct.
Suspended between these two worlds of before and now, this story has been explored in a world of other worlds. A gateway to writings, books, sculptures, paintings, photographs, posters, drawings, voices.
Nothing happens in a darkroom, everything is brought to the light of the theatre. Even if crossing images, revealing forgotten stories, making known a place that is not new, but about a renewed look, that does not allow to be, after all, the return of oneself to its place. (…)”
Taken from the preface by Andreia Garcia

The book “O Theatro e a Memória” [The Theatre and the Memory] is also the cluster of every gaze witnessed at the 4 exhibitions of “Projecto Memória”, which celebrated the centenary of Theatro Circo de Braga. Its contents include the relationship of this theatre with the city, its architectural dimension and tell the various stories in the long history of the programming of this magnificent performance hall.


Andreia Garcia



Scientific Coordination

Andreia Garcia, Rosa Cunha


Alberto Filipe Araújo, Ana Maria Macedo, Andreia Garcia, Cláudia Teixeira Leite, Elisa Lessa, Elísio da Silva Maia Araújo, Henrique Barreto Nunes, Lídia Brás Dias, Luís Soares Carneiro, Miguel Sopas de Melo Bandeira, Natália Maria Magalhães Pereira, Paulo Brandão, Rosa Cunha, Ricardo Bruto Antunes Machado Rio, Rita Martins, Rui Madeira, Sérgio Borges Oliveira Moreira da Costa


Maria Cristina Pimenta

Graphic Design

Inês Nepomuceno + Mariana Marques


Theatro Circo de Braga, Biblioteca Pública de Braga

Institutional Support

Câmara Municipal de Braga, Biblioteca Pública de Braga


Alexandre Barbosa Borges S.A., BOSH CAR MULTIMEDIA PORTUGAL S.A., Ilídio Mota — Petróleos e Derivados Lda., Navarra — Extrusão de Alumínio S.A., PRIMAVERA — Business Software Solutions, SEMURAL WASTE & ENERGY S.A., TORRESTIR — TRANSPORTES NACIONAIS E INTERNACIONAIS S.A.


Arquivo Distrital de Braga, Arquivo Municipal de Braga, Biblioteca do Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, Fundação Marques da Silva, Ministério da Administração Interna — Arquivo do Governo Civil de Braga, Museu da Imagem, Museu Nogueira da Silva


Amadeu Sousa, Eduardo Pires Oliveira, Elisa Lessa, Fátima Moura Ferreira, Henrique Barreto Nunes, Ivone Paz Soares, João Rui de Moura Coutinho, José Alberto Pereira Gomes, José Machado, Luís Costa, Luís Soares Carneiro, Margarida Fernandes, Maria Esteves, Maria Helena Trindade, Paula Abrunhosa, Paula Preza, Pedro Gil Costa de Almeida, Ricardo Silva, Rosa Maria Carvalho Silva



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