
Fertile Future Vol l

Edition • 2023, Porto, publication

Fertile Future Vol l

The first volume of Fertile Futures records, for future reference, the programme developed for the Portuguese Official Representation at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition—La Biennale di Venezia 2023. This first volume reveals the premises of Fertile Futures, presenting the theme of the protection, management and future of freshwater, from the procedural record of the first moments of the project. It gathers from the transcript of the interventions of experts and consultants in the first Assembly of Thought, in Lisbon, the sharing of knowledge that marked the start of the project laboratory, and accompanies the work of each of the seven Hydrogeography Workshops throughout the first months of the project. Bringing together the first daring ideas, along with the interdisciplinary diagnosis carried out in the different hydrogeographies, this initial volume reveals the origins of the proposed models that are presented in Venice, in the exhibition Fertile Futures.


Andreia Garcia, Ana Neiva, Diogo Aguiar

Published by

Architectural Affairs

Editorial Coordination

Editorial Coordination Andreia Garcia, Patrícia Coelho


Álvaro Domingues, Ana Salgueiro, Ana Tostões, Aurora Carapinha, Corpo Atelier, Dulcineia Santos Studio, Eglantina Monteiro, Érica Castanheira, Francisco Ferreira, Guida Marques, Ilhéu Atelier, João Mora Porteiro, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, Luca Astorri, Margarida Waco, Marina Otero Verzier, Pedrêz, Pedro Gadanho, Pedro Ignacio Alonso, Ponto Atelier, Space Transcribers


Anabel Goulart, Fran Seftel, Russell Shackleford


And Atelier — João Araújo, Rita Huet


Printer Gráfica Maiadouro


Print Run 1000



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Organization and Commissioner

República Portuguesa, Ministério da Cultura de Portugal, Direcção Geral das Artes (DGARTES)
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